As we all know about the two poker stars who always rule over the world of poker from the last 6 years. The names of these two superstar poker players are Phil Ivey and Borate Casino. These are the two partners who ruled over the world of casinos but according to some latest news, this partnership is going to get a breakdown recently. Along with that, Ivey is all set to relieve the baccarat casino at the pricing of 10 million dollars, which is such bad news for all the casino and poker players.
Casino superstars have parted ways

According to NJ online gambling company, on Wednesday both the partners have to reach an agreement of separating themselves under the lawsuit. However, the news of agreement is still under the cover but according to some of the resources, it will be reached to the reporters very soon. Now, before moving towards the other aspects of this situation the first and the most important thing that we all need to understand is the story because of which the whole scenario is created between these two superstars of Casino.
In 2012 Phil Ivey won a good amount of money at Baccarat with Cheung Yin Kelly and this winning is under some rules and regulations that both the parties need to follow. In this deal, both the superstars do not know that this deal would make them the superstars of this casino world. The reason behind their success is that both the players got a very big benefit from this deal and this thing helped both of them to establish their name in Casino World. At the same time, Borate filed a case against both of the players in 2014 and took them under the lawsuit. Once the matter goes under the programs of the lawsuit, there are many procedures that begin with this case and this action made the people of Borate in suspense about the future goals of the lawsuit.
Mac VerStandig shocked

Along with the people, Mac VerStandig, who was the lawyer for this case was also in shock that both the parties are so much calmed and relaxed about the deal. Along with that, he was also surprised by the process made by them as this thing shows that both of them agreed with that deal and just wanted to complete the legal processes. For this incident, he mentioned in an interview “I am happy that the case got resolved and everything is normal but at the same time I am also shocked that there would be no such dispute created in any of the processes of the incident which is quite weird about this case”
In the end, everybody is expecting to hear about the comeback of both the players, as these are some of the gems in the world of casinos. There is some of the casinos who actually believes that the origination of casino occurs because of these two key gems of the casino.